My husband and I bought a new house last year and this year he built me two raised beds. I'm ecstatic! Seriously, I'm so excited about these big boxes of dirt that I could literally jump up and down in them. (By the way those two big green plants in front of the raised bed are collard greens plants. Seriously, I didn't even plant those two plants. They self-seeded from one that I'd
ignored grown in a pot until it went to flower and spread its own seed. Ha!) But really, these beds are going to yield so much yumminess for us that I can hardly stand it! Of course, I've never really gardened before, per se. I have grown herbs and greens in pots - even peppers and tomatoes in pots, but never ever have I actually planted plants in the ground and then eaten the fruit of said plants. This is the year!
I've started the seeds already. Pretty cool, huh? They're in empty salad and egg containers in my covered outdoor kitchen. I planted radishes, turnips, kale, Brussels sprouts, beets and collard greens. Of course, these are mostly fall vegetables. I know it's not fall. I've already made some mistakes. I'm hoping for a nice long cool spring. And I'm not above admitting my mistakes...and learning from them...and waiting to see what happens. Maybe beets do grow in spring in Georgia. I'll keep you in the loop as I am expecting a bumper crop!
Do you have a garden? Any tips for the newbie?
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