Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Honey, I Shrunk the...Kitchen!

Okay, maybe I'm the only one who will remember that analogy from a movie where a husband shrinks his kids. In my personal comedy/drama it's my kitchen! The hubs and I have bought this great house in a neighborhood that I love...the catch? It needs a TOTAL renovation! But the bonus of a pool house where we can crash during the demo and construction means we can live on site without dealing with the mess. Sort of. You see, it has only got an outdoor kitchen. And the term "kitchen" is used loosely here. It's really a bar with some cabinets and a fridge. There's no stove. No oven. Limited space for anything.

So...I'm looking at the better part of a year without an oven...cooking on a grill. Outside. My husband keeps calling it "indoor camping". It's funny now, but what about in 6 months?! We do have electricity, so I'm thinking strategically. Could take the crockpot and have an electric skillet, but storage is seriously limited! I'll be chronicling my adventure in cooking here, so check back frequently - the move starts soon! I'll post some pics soon. What are your "MUST HAVE" kitchen gadgets and gear? We're going to be going really lean in this kitchen. Foodie friends, let me hear from you! What would you do if your kitchen got totally shrunk and you had to have the minimum?

1 comment:

Betsy said...

A toaster over - you can cook almost anything in that!