Saturday, March 3, 2012

Road Food: "Convenience" Foods

I'm on the road again and this trip will be a little longer than usual at 6 days.  That's a lot of potential for naughty eating!  The typical hotel room I where I stay isn't an efficiency and there's no kitchen, but I can ask for a fridge if there's not already a small one in the room.  Convenience foods become a more integral part of my eating plan.  The phrase convenience food has typically been rather negatively applied when it comes to nutrition, but it doesn't have to be.  After all, what's more convenient than a banana?  It comes in its own biodegradable packaging, needs no refrigeration and packs away into any travel bag or purse.  When I got settled in my hotel, I made some inquiries about nearby markets and discovered a Walgreens less than 1/2 a mile away, so I made the walk over and stocked up.  Here's a list of my healthy "convenience" foods:

 Fruit, including bananas, apples and grapefruit, salad, cereal, granola bars, peanuts, cheese sticks, yogurt, peanut butter, whole grain wraps, hummus with pretzels, tuna and sardines, juice, milk and bottled water. 

With these nutritious options, there are no excuses.  I can prepare breakfast, lunch and  snacks every day, avoiding the trap of unhealthy convenience foods while I'm on the road.  By the way, some people turn up their nose at sardines, but if you like tuna, you will like sardines! They are an easy, portable source of nutrition and are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

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