I believe it was Hippocrates who said, "Let thy food by thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food". So for me that's what I've been doing. This week, I've been pumping my body full of kale, spinach,
Entre, Douceur de France (Sweetness of France). They make delicious fresh soups. Dispensed in reusable, Ball canning jars. I chose vegetable, which someone told me from behind the counter (in a thick French accent, that I suspect is real) that it contains 6 different vegetables. Good enough for me, I'll take it.
As I walked up to the counter, a bright yellow, powdered-sugar dusted lemon bar beckoned me. I don't feel great, but dessert certainly can't hurt.
Comfy on my bed, feet under the quit, I enjoy my dinner. The creamy, fresh, slightly warmed soup is good. So is the tart, sweet lemon bar (but I only ate half...so far). In fact, it feels like a little French medicine to me. A good night's sleep and I'm sure to be on the mend. Plus, next week, I'm on vacation. Count on an update.
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